Change Your Water - Change Your Life | Alkaline water

Make your own pure, healthy, alkaline drinking water which is rich in minerals, purged of impurities, right in your own home!

why drinking alkaline water benefits health

When my friend Paul turned his life around with drinking alkaline water and then I started using it and experienced such great health benefits from drinking the alkaline water, I was faced with multiple questions and a HUGE decision about how to continue drinking this water.
The alkaline water is produced by machines, and these machines cost LOTS of $$!

Why? I really needed to know before I plopped down THOUSANDS of dollars for one of these machines. Thus began my research and I will share it with you as simply as I can, hopefully saving you the hours and hours of time it took for me to sift through and understand this information.
So the properties of this special water are its pH (alkaline) but there is much more than that. Turns out folks say alkaline water a lot but what they really mean is ionized, alkaline water.
So what does that mean???
Well it turns out you need a degree in chemistry to really get to the bottom of this question.
I don’t!
Have a chemistry degree, that is!
So it took me a long time and lots of research and study to get this, but I needed to get it-I am picky like that. About my health and also about getting to the bottom of questions.
These expensive machines create the alkaline water from your tap water source by separating the acidic parts from the alkaline parts of the water.
That is pretty simple.
Well, you can drink alkaline water all the time but it really isn’t going to create the health benefits that Paul and I and so many others experienced.

What????? What?????? What??????
Yeah, get this.
The machines also shock the water with an electrical charge which separates the Oxygen/Hydrogen ion. The molecules then combine with mineral ions (like calcium, magnesium, etc.) and this is what changes the pH.
This sounds great but really what is going on here is that the water is carrying these inorganic, alkaline compounds. These compounds raise the pH of the water, making the water more alkaline.
But these minerals are NOT absorbable by our bodies because this situation isn’t natural. For the body to absorb these minerals the organic acids need to be available, but the acids have been shocked right out of there.  Not natural.
So you have paid thousands of dollars for a machine to do this to your water and yet the water doesn’t provide the proper minerals for health.

Feeling like info overload?
There are books and books and books written on this subject!  There are videos galore on this.  You can spend hours on this and watch three videos and get three conflicting experts giving evidence for their conclusions.
You have to really sift through the information, searching out who paid for the studies, and the motives of the studies.  I have truly spent months on this research.
Ok, hang in there now.  We are getting close to the bottom line info you need to make a decision about drinking alkaline water.
What allows the water from the alkalizer/ ionizer machine, to provide the multiple benefits to people is that the water has a negative ORP.
This is the critical component, and this is what the ionizer machine does in addition to alkalizing water.
Ok,  this structured water has a negative ORP. ORP is Oxidative Reduction Potential. This means that this water, with a negative ORP is able to detoxify every cell of your body.  The negative ORP means that the water molecule is hungry and will gather up toxins, thus detoxifying your cells.
And detoxification is what creates the health benefits.

Let me repeat- Detoxification is what makes the alkaline ionized water manifest health benefits.
This is the super simplified basic info that I gleaned from studying several books and this is the secret about ionized, alkaline water health benefits.
I will provide a list of the best books on the subject after I finish here. And then you can read em and study all of this for yourself if you are so inclined.
If you just want the take away info, and the good news, from one who has done the study, then here it is:
You do not have to spend $4000  on a fancy machine to get all the benefits.
There are more elegant, more natural and much less expensive ways to alkalize and structure water for all the health benefits you seek.
There are healthy easy ways to detoxify your body without spending thousands of dollars and using these machines to electrocute water.
All of these great ways will be presented here in this blog for you to study and try for yourself. The effort is worth it, because your body is literally thirsty!
The most noticeable thing about drinking structured water is that your body soaks it up like a dried up, shriveled up, thirsty, thirsty sponge.

You can test this for yourself.
I urge you to do this test.
Once you figure out a good way to obtain structured water, and I will be teaching you some of the ways here on this blog, you can drink a glass and see how your body drinks it up and then wants more.
If you drink a glass of tap water straight from the tap, most likely that water is going to sit heavy in your stomach and slosh around!  When you drink structured, happy water your body soaks it up immediately!  The difference is amazing, and once you drink structured water you will not want water any other way.
I regret not one minute of the research and trial and error that I have been through, because the health benefits for me have been worth every minute. This is what I wish for you, and I am convinced that many, many health benefits can be realized by drinking slightly alkaline, structured water.

My Success With Alkaline Water Health Benefits

When I saw the health benefits in Paul from using alkaline water, of course I was interested in trying the alkaline water. So I began to use it the way he had, by getting it frequently from the same source, his neighbor.
I brought some of the water home and began drinking it and cooking with it. The first thing that I noticed is that I could drink more of this water. My body seemed to just be able to absorb it better somehow, and I was drinking more water than I normally did, quite a bit more.
The first night I slept so much better than I had in years.

For years I had been having difficulty with getting a full good nights sleep. I would have no problem going to sleep but would wake up at 2 am or 3 am or 4 am and NEVER go back to sleep. I was tired folks. And spacey and grumpy and a whole host of other things related to this.

You just can’t function fully on 4-6 hours of sleep a night. Well, I cannot!

So great! I had a wonderful nights sleep which was a nice, nice result.
I continued to drink lots of the alkaline water. From that day on I sleep through the night like a baby. Now if I get up to go to the bathroom, no problem, I fall right back to sleep.
This alone is invaluable because lack of sleep leads to so many other health concerns!  Great health benefit from alkaline water!
The next most noticeable health benefit from drinking this alkaline water was that my LIFELONG-that is many years and years, since childhood!!- constipation problem began to improve.
I had early childhood memories of pain and distress around this issue. A big part of my day would be struggling to manage this constipation problem.
Trying fibers and cleanses, adjusting my diet, and on and on. Really nothing would work except daily laxatives and this was something I was concerned about due to my dependence on them.
Hard to know what’s worse?? Constipation or dependence on laxatives.

I will spare you my lifelong constant struggling with this and tell you that the most wonderful effect of the alkaline water was the clearing up completely of this problem! Completely-no more constipation.  Another great health benefit from drinking alkaline water!!
Now about those headaches. Since my early forties, I had been experiencing debilitating headaches. I had been diagnosed with migraine headaches and also cluster headaches.

I didn’t care what they were called they were just absolutely horrible!
They would appear and I would be down for 24 hours and then for the next 24 hours I would have a feeling of groggy spaciness though I was relieved of the horrible pain. In the beginning of this health issue I would have one or two headaches a month, which I could manage with drugs even though their side effects weren’t too hot either!
But as the years went by the frequency of these headaches increased to the point where I was having two per week!
Now these headaches were such that I could not go to work, no way you should drive a car and operate any sort of work equipment with this type headache. My employer was noticing the frequent absences and the situation was becoming stressful and problematic to say the least.
Doctors could do nothing but prescribe pain pills,
maybe try Botox (! no thanks)
or continue to use migraine meds which were not always effective (and seriously expensive!!)
So after a few days of drinking the water I noticed I hadn’t had a headache in several days!
And folks, I have had no headaches since then! I no longer suffer with migraine and cluster headaches! Relief relief relief.
Insomnia, constipation and headaches……..gone!  These are my main health benefits from drinking alkaline water.
I am really unable to find the words to describe the precious relief from not struggling with these awful symptoms.

For this water to be the answer just seemed miraculous to me.
So this started my research into water, healthy water, tap water, alkaline water, distilled water, mineral water, structured water and so much more. And thus I write to you here.
Not only am I symptom free from insomnia, constipation and headaches, my energy level is better than its been in many many years, my skin looks terrific and I lost 10 pounds!
These were not things I was worried about, since I had the other awful symptoms but hey!
I will take better skin, better figure and great energy level!
So there is my story about my health benefits from drinking alkaline water. I wanted to share the findings of some of my research with you here. I needed to make a decision about buying a machine and the information out there is very confusing!
Some of these machines cost thousands of dollars! So even though I have promised to interview Paul, I didn’t know all of this bloggin would be so time consuming!!
I will get to the interview, but I want to go ahead and start teaching you a little about water and how we really need to be aware and be sure we get the best water we can to drink and provide for our families and pets.
I will be sharing what I have learned and tell you about my favorite ways to purify and alkalize my drinking water. Thanks for reading this, I will be back in a few days to begin showing you some of the information I found.

Introduction to Drinking and Using Alkaline Water

A few months ago a dear friend of mine, let’s call him Paul, (though the names have been changed to protect the innocent-har har) began telling me about how he was feeling so much better by drinking alkaline water.
Never having heard of such a thing, I listened carefully.
The benefits for him were pretty dramatic. At the time he was 69 years old and had for years been experiencing increasing difficulty with walking and exercising due to hip and knee joint pain, and joint pain in his hands. He also had trouble with low energy and plain ol lack of enough ‘get up and go’ to do what he wanted to do.
His biggest pleasure in life, and also the common interest for our friendship, was working outdoors with his yard in his vegetable patch and extensive flower gardens. Paul and I often shared flowers and vegetables with each other and I had noticed over the months that he just didn’t seem to be feeling good. I wasn’t seeing him as frequently and his yard work seemed to be lagging behind his usual standards.
He had became very frustrated by the pain and his inability to keep up with his normal workload, and felt that he should still be able to work the way he wanted to. He was using lots of over the counter pain medicines and was concerned about the side effects. He felt that his health was declining pretty rapidly and he didn’t like it!
So when his neighbor, who was also in his 60’s, mentioned feeling better from drinking a special water he decided to try some. His neighbor had experienced significant health benefits from drinking the alkaline water and had purchased a special machine that created this alkaline drinking water right from tap water. So each day he and his friend would visit and exchange water bottles.
Within 48 hours Paul was experiencing less pain in his hips and knees and no pain at all in his finger joints!
But the list of his health benefits from drinking alkaline water goes on! He also said that he began sleeping better than he had in several years and that he immediately began to lose some weight, though this had not been a goal.
Overall, he lost 12 pounds over the first six weeks of drinking the alkaline water!  And then his weight stabilized at a perfect weight for his height and age. He said that he just generally felt that he had more energy.
So, Paul today continues to drink and use this water for cooking. Paul says it was such a simple solution, he no longer needs pain medicines and has more ‘get up and go’ than he did 10 years ago simply by drinking alkaline water.
I am planning to interview Paul soon about his experience with drinking alkaline water and the health benefits he experienced. I will share that interview with you here.
But first I will be telling you about my amazing experience and health benefits from drinking alkaline water.
Did you think I would miss out on this after my friend’s experience!! No way!
So Paul began sharing his alkaline water with me. And yes, the results were amazing, I have had amazing health benefits from drinking alkaline water and wanted to tell others about it! So I made this blog site to do just that. Thanks so much for your interest and stay tuned!
I am a voracious reader and love to research whatever tickles my fancy, and let me tell you, alkaline water has tickled my fancy!
What I am learning is quite interesting and has led me to research other things too! There are alkaline foods and alkaline recipes and alkaline diets and this is all wonderful!
I feel better than I have in years!  I’ll be back as soon as I can with my story, and much more.

Welcome to Alkaline Water Health Benefits!

Water. Life. We are made of lots of water and live because of water, beautiful – precious – irreplaceable water!
I have discovered that the water we drink and that we provide for our children and pets to drink is so important, I used to take water for granted, but suddenly was faced with providing better water for myself and my family for better health.

Wow and oh wow!
Did I ever have a lot to learn!
So here I am creating my first web site about alkaline water so that I might share some of the wonderful stories, testimonials and anecdotes, facts, figures,research and resources about alkaline water health benefits. Along with this I will share  information about the importance of taking good care with the water that you use daily for drinking, bathing and cooking. Alkaline water is THE most important thing I learned about and it is a subject that will be an ongoing learning project. I hope you will find this journey with water as fascinating and fun and beneficial as I have. The health benefits of alkaline and structured water are plenty and I want to carefully go through some of the research and learning because I am convinced of the importance. This will be an ongoing project as there is a lot of information about alkaline water health benefits to sift through!


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